Making Space For Giants
I had the immense privilege of working with Space for Giants last year and visiting their team at the Loisaba Conservancy in Kenya. I would love the opportunity to tell you a little about my experience with them and the vital work that they do for wildlife and conservation.
Space for Giants is on a mission to protect Africa’s remaining natural ecosystems, with a focus on the large animals within them. They are, quite literally, trying to conserve and make ‘space’ for wild animals in a world that is rapidly prioritising using all remaining space for people.
What I found especially interesting during my trip to Kenya to see first-hand what Space for Giants is trying to achieve was the unexpected challenges that can affect conservation work. For example…
Prickly Pears
Removing Prickly Pears from wild spaces.
Prickly Pear was first introduced to the conservancy in the 1970s as an ornamental living wall when the negative impacts were unknown. It was thought that the prickly cactus was a beautiful, natural way to keep wildlife out of human habitation.
Since then, it has unfortunately spread to a wider area of the Loisaba Conservancy. With animals such as elephants picking up the seeds and spreading them through their dung, prickly pear has taken over a lot of land - spoiling the indigenous natural landscape and taking space away from vegetation other animals need to survive.
Loisaba Conservancy has been able to purchase a JCB backhoe in order to help with the mechanical removal of the plant. The use of the backhoe has enabled the removal of the cactus at over five times the rate of the previous method – using large knives known as ‘pangas’, shovels and wheelbarrows.
This challenge is not one that I would have considered a ‘conservation’ challenge, but it was inspiring to see the work being done to protect remaining ecosystems.
I was also given the very great privilege of seeing some of the unique methods that conservation teams use to protect wild animals.
The Loisaba K9 Unit
Meeting the conservation experts
The Loisaba K9 unit are on the front line of protecting the wildlife of Kenya. Tracker dogs are one of the most effective tools for wildlife security, often deterring poachers from even entering an area. Over the years, these bloodhounds have proved invaluable to Loisaba’s security team. They have helped track down dozens of poachers and criminals, find missing people and return livestock to their owners, earning them their well-deserved reputation throughout Laikipia. The incredible work these tracker dogs do, combined with Kenya’s strong wildlife trophy law, which can result in imprisonment for life or a 20 million shilling fine, is a huge deterrent to poachers.
One of the last Northern White Rhinos
With my focus on wildlife art and conservation, it’s incredibly important to me to raise awareness about the urgent need to protect the critical ecosystems on which wildlife and people depend. It was such a privilege to have the opportunity to work with Space for Giants to raise awareness and funding for vital conservation work in Kenya.